Analyzing Programs with Z3

Tikhon Jelvis

Boolean Satisfiability (SAT)

  • boolean variables

    \begin{equation} (x_1 \lor \lnot x_2) \land (x_1 \lor x_3 \lor \lnot x_4) \land \cdots \end{equation}
  • solves or returns “unsat”


  • Satsifiability Modulo Theories

    \begin{equation} x_1 \le 10 \land x_3 \le x_1 + x_2 \land \cdots \end{equation}
  • different types of variables

Different Theories

  • unbounded integers
  • real numbers
  • fixed-size words (bitvectors)
  • floating point numbers
  • arrays
  • more


  • SMT solver from Microsoft Research
  • Open source: MIT license
  • API bindings in Haskell, OCaml, C♯…


  • SBV
    • high-level DSL
    • supports multiple solvers
  • Haskell-Z3
    • Z3-specific bindings
    • useful for tools backed by Z3

Analyzing Programs

  • program ⇒ SMT formula
  • variables:
    • inputs
    • outputs
    • intermediate states
  • bounded


  • solve for outputs: interpreter
  • solve for inputs: reverse interpreter
  • intermediate variables: check invariants
  • compare programs
    • verify against specification


1 + x * 2
(x <= 10) && (y == 5)
  • side effects:
x := x + 1
⋯ ; ⋯
while cond { ⋯ }
if cond { ⋯ } else { ⋯ }


\begin{align} A ::&= x & \text{variable}\\ &|\quad n & \text{literal} \\ &|\quad A + A & \\ &|\quad A - A & \\ &|\quad A * A & \\ &|\quad A / A & \end{align}


data AExp = Var Name
          | Lit Int
          | AExp :+: AExp
          | AExp :-: AExp
          | AExp :*: AExp
          | AExp :/: AExp
data BExp = True' | False' | ⋯


data Cmd = Skip
         | Set Name AExp
         | Seq Cmd Cmd
         | If BExp Cmd Cmd
         | While BExp Cmd

Inline ⇒ Unroll ⇒ SSA


def foo(a, b) { <BODY> }
foo (1, 2);
// fresh names
a := 1;
b := 2;


while x < 5 { <BODY> }
if x < 5 {
  if x < 5 {
    … /* bound times */
  } else {}
} else {}


  • Single Static Assignment
x := 10;
a := 11;
x := x + a;
x₀ := 10;
a₀ := 11;
x₁ := x₀ + a₀;

if x < 5 {
  x := x + 1;
} else {
  x := x + 2;
if x < 5 {
  x₁ := x₀ + 1;
} else {
  x₂ := x₀ + 2;
x₃ := φ(x₁, x₂)

  • Interpreter

    aexp :: (Scope Int) → AExp → Int
    bexp :: (Scope Int) → BExp → Bool
    cmd  :: (Scope Int) → Cmd  → Scope
  • Compiler

    aexp :: (Scope AST) → AExp → Z3 AST
    bexp :: (Scope AST) → BExp → Z3 AST
    cmd  :: (Scope AST) → Cmd  → Z3 ()

5 + x
\begin{align} bvAdd(&bv(5, 32),\\ &bv(x_0, 32)) \end{align}


Lit n     → n
Var x     → lookup scope x
e₁ :+: e₂ → aexp scope e₁ +
            aexp scope e₂
Lit n     → Z3.mkBv 32 n
Var x     → lookup x scope
e₁ :+: e₂ → do e₁ ← aexp scope e₁
               e₂ ← aexp scope e₂
               Z3.mkAdd e₁ e₂

x = 5 + x
\begin{align} \text{assert}(x_1 = bvAdd(&bv(5, 32), \\ &bv(x_0, 32))) \end{align}


Set name val →
  let newVal = aexp scope val in
  update name newVal scope
Set name val →
  do newVal ← aexp scope val
     newVar ← Z3.mkFreshBvVar name 32
     eq     ← Z3.mkEq newVar newVal
     Z3.assert eq
     return (update name newVar scope)

if x < 5 {
  x := x + 1
} else {
  x := x + 2
\begin{align} &\text{assert}(x_1 = x_0 + 1) \\ &\text{assert}(x_2 = x_0 + 2) \\ &\text{assert}(x_3 = \phi(x_0 < 5, x_1, x_2)) \\ \end{align}

If: φ-functions

If cond c_1 c_2 →
  do cond'   ← bexp scope cond
     scope'  ← compile scope c_1
     scope'' ← compile scope c_2
     makePhis cond' scope scope' scope''
Z3.mkIte cond (lookup name scope₁)
              (lookup name scope₂)

Now What

  • interpret: starting variables
  • reverse: final variables
  • check invariants: intermediate variables
    • model checking
    • invariants in temporal logic

Temporal Logic

  • quantified over time
    • \(\square P(x)\): \(P(x)\) always holds
    • \(\diamond P(x)\): \(P(x)\) eventually holds
  • safety and liveness


  • verify: compare two programs
    • assert x1ₙ ≠ x2ₙ, y1ₙ ≠ y2ₙ…
    • solve
      • unsat: programs are equal
      • sat: counterexample input


counterexample guided inductive synthesis cegis.png


  • synthesize faster programs
    • original program: spec
    • optimize a sliding window of instructions
  • easier than classic compiler optimizations


while x <= ?? {
  x += a * ??

Example: Synquid

refinement types

termination measure len
  :: List a -> {Int | _v >= 0} where
  Nil -> 0
  Cons x xs -> 1 + len xs

replicate :: n: Nat -> x: a -> 
             {List a | len _v == n}
replicate = ??

Interactive Tools

  • nondeterministic execution
    • model concurrency
  • debugging aides
  • test case generation
  • synthesis-powered code completion

Easier for DSLs!


Created by Tikhon Jelvis.